The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Right Diaper for Your Baby in India

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Did you know that the average baby goes through 6-10 diapers a day?

As a new parent, choosing the right diaper for your baby can be overwhelming. There are three main types of diapers: disposable, cloth, and bamboo. Each has its own set of pros and cons, and it can be difficult to know which one is best for your little one. In this guide, we’ll explore the advantages and disadvantages of each type of diaper, and debunk common myths about diapering. By the end, you’ll have all the information you need to make an informed decision and choose the right diaper for your child.

Disposable Diapers

Disposable diapers are the most commonly used type of diaper in India. They are convenient, easy to use, and widely available. Here are the pros and cons of disposable diapers:


  • Convenience: Disposable diapers can be quickly and easily disposed of after use, making them ideal for busy parents.
  • Absorbency: Disposable diapers are highly absorbent and can keep your baby’s skin dry for extended periods of time.
  • Availability: Disposable diapers are widely available in India, and you can find them at most supermarkets and pharmacies. You can also buy them instantly through quickcommerce like Blinkit or Zepto. 


  • Environmental impact: Disposable diapers generate a lot of waste, which can have a negative impact on the environment.
  • Cost: Disposable diapers can be expensive over time, especially if you have to use them frequently.
  • Chemicals: Some disposable diapers may contain chemicals that can irritate your baby’s skin.

You might have to try 2-3 varieties before you find the right one. Popular brands include: R for Rabbit, Pampers Premium and Huggies Premium

Myth vs Reality:

Some parents believe that disposable diapers are more prone to leaks than cloth diapers. However, modern disposable diapers are highly absorbent and rarely leak if they are used properly.

Some parents also believe that disposable diapers cause babies to be more prone to diaper rashes. But with a good barrier cream, you can prevent diaper rashes for your child easily. We recommend Aquaphor cream over dry skin.

Cloth Diapers

Cloth diapers are reusable, washable diapers that are made from a variety of materials, including cotton, bamboo, and hemp. Here are the pros and cons of cloth diapers:


  • Environmental impact: Cloth diapers are reusable and generate less waste than disposable diapers, making them a more eco-friendly choice.
  • Cost: Although the upfront cost of cloth diapers can be high, they can save you money over time, especially if you plan to have more than one child.
  • Comfort: Cloth diapers are soft and breathable, which can be more comfortable for your baby’s skin.
  • Appearance: Cloth diapers come in cute prints, that look adorable when put on by a baby. 


  • Convenience: Cloth diapers require more work than disposable diapers. They need to be washed and dried after each use, which can be time-consuming and inconvenient.
  • Absorbency: Cloth diapers are less absorbent than disposable diapers and may need to be changed more frequently.
  • High upfront cost: You might have to pay upwards of 10,000 Rs. for a proper stash, and more if you don’t have a dryer.

Popular cloth diaper brands in India include Superbottoms, Charlie Banana and Bumpadum. 

Bamboo Diapers

Bamboo diapers are a newer type of diaper that are made from bamboo fibers. They are similar to disposable diapers in that they are convenient and easy to use. Here are the pros and cons of bamboo diapers:


  • Environmental impact: Bamboo diapers are biodegradable and more eco-friendly than disposable diapers.
  • Comfort: Bamboo diapers are soft and breathable, which can be more comfortable for your baby’s skin.
  • Chemical-free: Bamboo diapers are free from harmful chemicals, making them a safer choice for your baby.


  • Cost: Bamboo diapers can be very expensive compared to disposable diapers.
  • They might not be as absorbent as cloth or disposable diapers.
  • Availability: Bamboo diapers may be harder to find in India.

Popular Bamboo Diaper brands include Allter and Bamboo Nature

Choosing the Right Diaper for Your Child

When it comes to choosing the right diaper for your child, there are several factors to consider. Here are some tips to help you make the right choice:

  1. Consider your lifestyle: If you have a busy lifestyle, disposable diapers may be the most convenient choice for you. However, if you have more time and are concerned about the environment, cloth or bamboo diapers may be a better choice.

  2. Think about your budget: Disposable diapers can be expensive over time, especially if you have to use them frequently. Cloth diapers can be a more cost-effective choice, but they require more work.

  3. Consider your baby’s skin: Some babies have sensitive skin and may be more prone to diaper rash. If your baby has sensitive skin, you may want to consider using cloth or bamboo diapers, which are less likely to contain chemicals that can irritate the skin.

  4. Try different types of diapers: Every baby is different, and what works for one baby may not work for another. Consider trying different types of diapers to see what works best for your little one.


Choosing the right diaper for your baby is an important decision. There are pros and cons to each type of diaper, and what works for one family may not work for another. By considering the factors we’ve discussed and trying different types of diapers, you can find the best diaper for your child. Remember to always prioritize your baby’s comfort and health, and don’t be afraid to ask for advice from other parents or your pediatrician.


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