Finding Your Support System During Postpartum in India

The postpartum period can be an exciting yet challenging time for new mothers, as they navigate their physical and emotional changes while adjusting to the demands of caring for a newborn. Having a support system during this time is crucial for a new mother’s well-being and success. However, finding the right support system in India can be challenging due to various cultural and social factors. In this post, we will explore the different postpartum support systems in India and offer tips on how to find the right support for you and your family.

Postpartum Support in India:

In India, traditional support systems for new mothers come in the form of family, friends, and the community. This support is often centered around cultural practices and rituals that have been passed down through generations. While this support can be valuable, it can also be limited by factors such as distance and availability.

Postpartum Support in India: In India, traditional support systems for new mothers come in the form of family, friends, and the community. This support is often centered around cultural practices and rituals that have been passed down through generations. While this support can be valuable, it can also be limited by factors such as distance and availability.

Professional support is also available in the form of doctors, midwives, and doulas. However, accessing this support can be challenging due to financial constraints and limited availability, particularly in rural areas.

Tips for Finding Your Postpartum Support System:

To find the right support system for you, start by communicating your needs to your family and loved ones. Identify potential sources of support, such as community groups, online resources, and professional support services. Evaluate your options carefully, taking into consideration your needs, budget, and the availability of the support system. Many societies and localities in metros in India also have WhatsApp groups and Facebook groups for mothers, and there are many “bump groups” on Facebook for babies born in that particular month. They can be good forms of support and information for parents, especially as all the children in those groups are the same age (down to the month). 

It is also essential to create a postpartum plan that outlines your expectations and needs during this period. This plan can help you communicate your needs more effectively and identify areas where you may need additional support.

Assigning chores to family and friends who want to help can be an effective way of getting the support you need during the postpartum period. Here are some suggestions for chores that you can assign to your loved ones:

  • Meal preparation and planning
  • Grocery shopping and running errands
  • Cleaning and laundry
  • Babysitting and holding the baby to give you a break
  • Taking care of pets or other children
  • Providing emotional support and listening ear
  • Helping with breastfeeding or bottle feeding
  • Assisting with bathing and diaper changes
  • Accompanying you to doctor appointments
  • Walking or exercising with you
  • Providing transportation for you and the baby
  • Doing small home repairs and maintenance

Remember to communicate your needs clearly and be specific about the tasks you need help with. This can help your loved ones understand how they can support you during this time. Additionally, be open to receiving help and grateful for the support you receive.

What to Do When You Live in a Nuclear Family and Have No Family Support:
Living in a nuclear family without extended family support can be challenging during the postpartum period. In such cases, it is important to explore support options outside of the family. Online resources, support groups, and hiring help can be valuable sources of support during this time. Contact agencies for maids in your 8th month so that you have time to interview the maid and have them get used to your house and habits before the baby arrives. You will need a cook, a house maid, and a dedicated maid for the newborn (Jhapa). 
The Importance of Self-Care and Positive Self-Talk:
Self-care is essential during the postpartum period, and new mothers should prioritize self-care to maintain their physical and emotional well-being. Cultivating a positive mindset and practicing self-compassion can also help new mothers navigate the challenges of the postpartum period.

Postpartum Rage is NOT going to last; wait three months before making hasty decisions.

Postpartum rage is a real and common phenomenon that many new mothers experience. It is characterized by sudden, intense outbursts of anger and irritability, and can be triggered by seemingly small things. While postpartum depression and anxiety are more widely known, postpartum rage is often overlooked or misunderstood. It can have a significant impact on relationships, especially with partners, and it’s important to understand and address it.

Postpartum rage can be caused by a variety of factors, including hormonal changes, sleep deprivation, stress, and feelings of overwhelm. It can manifest in a number of ways, such as snapping at loved ones, yelling, throwing things, or withdrawing from social situations. These outbursts can be confusing and frightening for partners, and can lead to strained relationships.

If you are experiencing postpartum rage, it’s important to seek support and treatment. This may include therapy, medication, self-care practices, and finding ways to manage stress and overwhelm. It’s also important to communicate with your partner about what you are experiencing and how they can support you. This may involve setting boundaries and taking time for self-care, as well as finding ways to improve communication and intimacy in the relationship.


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