Choosing the Best Daycare in India for Your Newborn: A Guide for Parents

Maternity leave benefits in India have come a long way in recent years. The Maternity Benefit Act of 1961 provides for 26 weeks of paid leave for women who work in establishments with 10 or more employees. In addition, the Ministry of Labour and Employment has proposed an amendment to extend the maternity leave to 32 weeks. Some companies also offer additional leave or flexible work arrangements to support new mothers.

However, despite these benefits, many mothers in India still face a difficult decision about whether to return to work after their maternity leave ends. The high cost of childcare and the lack of reliable options can make it challenging for mothers to balance their work and family responsibilities. Some mothers may also face cultural or societal pressure to prioritize their role as a caregiver over their career. Although there is nothing wrong with being a stay-at-home parent and in fact, it can give a parent a lot of emotional satisfaction (as discussed in this blog post), it is always heartening to know that there are other excellent options for childcare in case you feel like returning to work is the right move for you after your maternity leave.

Moreover, returning to work can be emotionally challenging for many new mothers. The separation from their child, the guilt of leaving them in someone else’s care, and the fear of missing out on important milestones can take a toll on their mental health.

Despite these challenges, many mothers in India choose to return to work after their maternity leave ends. They may do so for financial reasons, for the sense of fulfillment and purpose their career provides, or to set an example for their children about the importance of education and career advancement.

And hence, when mothers return to work, choosing the right kind of care is very important. As a parent of a newborn in India, you want to ensure your child receives the best care possible. However, choosing a daycare can be a daunting process, especially with so many options available. In this blog post, we will provide you with guidance on how to choose the right daycare for your infant or toddler. We will cover well-known daycare chains, myths and misconceptions about daycare, and questions to ask during daycare tours.

Daycare vs. Nanny vs. Grandparents Care: Choosing the Best Option for Your Family in India

Option 1: Daycare

Daycare is becoming an increasingly popular option in India, particularly in urban areas where both parents work. However, the quality and availability of daycare can vary widely across different regions and socioeconomic backgrounds. Parents should carefully research and visit multiple daycares before making a decision.

Benefits: Provides a structured environment for children to learn and socialize with peers. Many daycares also offer educational programs, healthy meals, and additional services such as transportation.

Challenges: Cost can be a concern, and some parents may worry about the quality of care or the risk of illness in a group setting. It can also be challenging to find a daycare that meets your family’s specific needs and schedule. Many corporate organisations now offer daycare subsidies or benefits so I would recommend that you check with your HR if your company has such a policy and how you could benefit from it. We will delve more into choosing the right daycare later in this post.

Option 2: Nanny

Nannies are a popular option for families in India, particularly in wealthier households. However, there is no formal licensing or regulation of nannies, so it’s important for parents to thoroughly screen and vet potential candidates. Get your police verification done for all house-help and ensure that you invest in CCTVs so that you can supervise the nanny even when you are not at home.

Benefits: Allows for one-on-one attention and care for children in the comfort of their own home. Nannies can also be flexible and adapt to a family’s specific needs and schedule.

Challenges: Finding a reliable and trustworthy nanny can be difficult, and the cost can be higher than daycare. There may also be concerns about the quality of care and whether the nanny has the necessary qualifications and experience.

Option 3: Grandparents Care

Grandparents care is a longstanding tradition in India, and many families rely on grandparents as primary caregivers. However, as India becomes more urbanized and grandparents may live far away, it may not be a feasible option for all families. Also, their parenting or caregiving styles may differ from yours and your partner’s, and that may cause conflict in the relationship.

Benefits: Provides a familiar and loving environment for children, and grandparents can offer valuable support and guidance to both children and parents. Grandparents care can also be more affordable and flexible than other options.

Challenges: Grandparents may not have the same level of energy or expertise as a professional caregiver, and there may be concerns about grandparents being too lenient or not following best practices for childcare.

Benefits of Daycare for Infants and Toddlers

Daycare provides an array of benefits for infants and toddlers, including socialization, early learning opportunities, and emotional support. Research has shown that high-quality daycare can contribute to children’s cognitive, language, and social development. In addition, daycare can give parents peace of mind knowing that their child is in a safe and nurturing environment while they are at work.

Well-Known Daycare Chains in India

India has a wide range of daycare chains available for parents. Some of the well-known chains include Klay, Ipsaa, EuroKids, Little Millennium, and Kidzee. These chains provide a structured environment for children to learn and play, with trained caregivers and age-appropriate activities. They also often provide additional services such as transportation and healthy meals.

Myths and Misconceptions about Sending Your Baby to Daycare in India

  1. Myth: Daycare is only for working parents who have no other option.
    Reality: Daycare can benefit all children, regardless of their parents’ employment status. It provides a safe, structured environment for children to learn and play, and can also contribute to their social and emotional development.

  2. Myth: Daycare centers are not safe and can be dangerous for children.
    Reality: High-quality daycare centers in India follow strict safety protocols and maintain a clean and hygienic environment. Caregivers are trained to handle emergencies, and centers often have CCTV cameras and security measures in place to ensure the safety of the children.

  3. Myth: Daycare is expensive and not worth the cost.
    Reality: While the cost of daycare in India can vary depending on location and services provided, it can be a worthwhile investment in your child’s development. Many daycare centers offer age-appropriate activities and early learning opportunities that can contribute to your child’s cognitive and social development.

  4. Myth: Daycare centers are not reliable and may close unexpectedly.
    Reality: Well-established daycare centers in India have a reputation to uphold and strive to maintain a consistent and reliable service. In case of any unforeseen circumstances or holidays, they will notify the parents in advance to avoid any inconvenience.

  5. Myth: Daycare can harm a child’s emotional development and attachment to their parents.
    Reality: High-quality daycare centers in India provide a nurturing and stimulating environment that can enhance a child’s emotional development and attachment to their parents. Many centers offer parent-teacher meetings, regular progress reports, and other forms of communication to keep parents involved in their child’s development.

Checklist of Questions to Ask During Daycare Tours in India

Before enrolling your child in a daycare, it’s essential to visit and evaluate the facility. We provide a checklist of questions to ask during daycare tours, specific to the Indian context. These questions include queries about caregiver qualifications, safety and hygiene protocols, and learning and play activities.

  1. What is the staff-to-child ratio, and how many caregivers are present at any given time?
  2. What is the qualification and experience of the caregivers and teachers? Do they undergo any specialized training in child care?
  3. What is the center’s policy for hygiene and cleanliness? How often are the toys, bedding, and play areas sanitized?
  4. Is the center equipped with CCTV cameras for security and monitoring?
  5. What are the center’s policies for feeding, napping, and diaper changing? Do they accommodate any specific dietary requirements?
  6. What is the policy for sick children? How do they manage sick children and prevent the spread of infections?
  7. What are the center’s operating hours and holiday schedules? Is there any flexibility in drop-off and pick-up timings?
  8. What is the cost of the program, and what services are included in the fee?
  9. What activities and learning opportunities are provided for children? Do they have any outdoor play areas or opportunities for field trips?
  10. Can the center provide references or recommendations from current or past parents?

By asking these questions during a daycare tour, parents can get a better sense of the quality of care and services provided by the center and make an informed decision about whether it is the right fit for their child.


Choosing the right daycare for your infant or toddler can be a challenging task, but it’s worth the effort to ensure your child receives the best care possible. By considering the benefits of daycare, researching well-known daycare chains, dispelling common myths and misconceptions, and evaluating options through daycare tours and other options such as nanny and grandparents care, parents can make an informed decision. Ultimately, the right daycare will provide a safe, nurturing, and stimulating environment for your child to learn and grow.


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